Friday, January 01, 2010


I begin this new decade trying to be honest with myself.

What do I fear?

The meaningless and the trivial

The moments that define a lifetime

Or just a fear of falling,

into an abyss I can't climb out of

a life i am living like a lie

losing myself into a sea of despair

turning slowly into plastic, and a little bit more ubiquitous

watching my heart and mind withering away 

I fear being closed minded and even worse

cold hearted 

Some days i fear more than others

I fear, but have the chance to live in an

extraordinary world

Monday, June 08, 2009

If only

If I only could forget the past, perhaps I would be willing to let go

Only then could I go with the flow?

Too many questions, too little time. 

You ask for so much, yet give so little

If only you would meet at the middle

My mind is

My heart was

In constant motion, yet I feel so grounded.

Constantly looking up, despite falling apart

Probably because of a broken heart

If you ever fell in love you would know.

About the highest highs and the lowest lows

and everything in between

Where the mind runs free

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Reflections of summer (in transit)

Its refreshing being able to live without a schedule. Without restrictions, summer is a time where we rediscover what life was like. Before computers, and televisions and even cell phones. As I continue to travel the world (one mile at a time), seeing life in different places has made me reevaluate how I live my own.

Standing on a train platform, desperately hoping the train will come on time (alas it never does). But it reality, a train station is an important metaphor, a stage of our life. Literally, you have to know where you came from, where you are and where you're going. At that point, you can see into the future and you can look back at the past, all in the present.

This summer has certainly been a trying experience for me. Spending half my life in a different place, thinking about the great turmoil that will occur all around me. Change is bittersweet; you can never know what will happen, but you'll always know what you're missing.

As they say, "C'est La Vie" -That's Life

Monday, April 14, 2008

Love at First Sight

What is love at first sight?
"Would you believe in a love at first sight? Yes, I'm certain it happens all the time."-
With A Little Help From My Friends- The Beatles
A definition is “an emotional condition whereby a person feels romantic attraction for a stranger on the first encounter with the stranger”. It is the fleeting sensation in your heart when your first meet someone (is it love or is it simply lust?). Or the moment where two people look into each other’s eyes. Yes, some say it is simply an overused and over-clichéd product of the Hollywood machine, while others spend their entire lifetimes chasing it. It is what keeps people awake at night, staring in the ceiling. And it fuels the stories of love lost, that they tell for decades to come. We spend our lives chasing life, chasing love, chasing happiness. And while some may say that love at first sight is a fairy tale, others take it at face value.
Love at first sight is something that everyone wants to believe in. Some never quite nurse their broken hearts; others are a modern-day version of Romeo, whose very existence relies on love. Its very conception and existence lies in the hopes and dreams of us all. A dream crooned in music, exemplified in the big screen, and wistfully dreaming about during class.

Note: This miny-essay was originally concieved for an assignment (for school)

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Eight easy steps

They say that the Danish are the most happiest in the world. Hmmmm Denmark? Home to our favorite breakfast pastry, Vikings and (most importantly) LEGO bricks, Denmark has been voted the happiest place on Earth.

Most of us aren't Danish, or even know where it is on a map but we can enjoy life, one sweet short step at a time.

Step 1: Back away from your computer for the rest of the day. Yes, I know its hard. Yes, I know that you've been next to your mac since 1998, but times have changed. As soon as you finish reading this, GO! Go out to the "outdoors" or if you live in a cold-weather climate, your neighborhood WAL-MART.

Step 2: Find something that you like to do. It might eccentric and original, or it might just be as plan vanilla as making ice cream in one of those incredibly hard to use ice cream machines imported from Europe. Savor the freedom.

Step 3: Stop worrying about material goods. Think about it; how would life change with a million dollars. Now live that life (sans the money). If you wanted to go volunteer, then volunteer. If you would go skydive, go skydive. Think about the non-material goals that you want to reach for.

Step 4: Make a goal book. I'm serious. Write down your goals, and write down your progress. Write everything relating to your goal, even the setbacks.

Step 5: Take things more slowly. We're too busy. I seem to almost collide to everyone in the hallway. If you're a klutz at life, slow down. Society thanks you. The world would be a better place if people would spend another three seconds (gasp) to hold the door for the person behind you.

Step 6: Get some sleep. Overstressed and overworked people don't suddenly find energy (not unless you count Red Bull). Get some sleep. More than eight hours means you don't have people asking where were you last night, first thing in the morning.

Step 7: Start living life. Life is flowing all around us; get in it. Get involved! Be the guy that everyone wants to stop and talk to, even if its mudane matters such as the weather.

Step 8: Focus on the big things. Hey change takes time! In our society, anything can happen. The sky is the limit. Do you want to go to Harvard? I can see you walking among those Ivy-covered buildings. Actor? I see your name on Broadway. Dream big, like you can fly.

Eight easy steps on living life.
Eight easy steps.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

The Pursuit of Perfection

Welcome to life. Do not pass go, do not collect $200. Around and around we go, rushing from place to place, living life in the fast lane. Speedwalking past hallways, rushing around the kitchen, furiously writing down notes. All in a futile pursuit; the pursuit of perfection.

Its all around us, its engrained in our society. The hope for a better future, the hope for a better live drives us to the edge of reason. The American Dream can be fufilled at a human cost. A cost that cannot be reflected in black or white, but simply in shades of gray. How much suffering has come from the pursuit of perfection? Why do we spend our lives constantly chasing life, instead of living it?

Sunday, December 23, 2007

A new start has been a while since the last time I wrote on this blog, this collection of musings far and wide. And its time to announce an ambitious New Years Revolution. I pledge to write at least three times a week, every week in 2008. I look foward to continue to write fresh, informative pieces of writing for the world to enjoy. Its time for a new start.

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Life in these halls

Welcome to High School. Another four years to look foward to. This is the start of a brand new life.

Life in these halls. People rushing by, trying to get to their second block car, faster than a car roaring down the blue route. Love flowing, hugs and kisses fill the atmosphere of our fast paced lives, a place with nothing concerning PDA. "Hey", "Whats up?", "Yo!", greeting you every 100 meters. High fives, hand shakes, body slams, every form of non verbal communcation coming to you from every direction. And then you realize this is high school; there are life in these halls.

How is it going to school with 1400 of your fellow teenager peers. We have our ups, our downs, our good days and bad days, and days where we want to just collapse on the bed, and listen to music. And this is our life.

Class. Another lecture, another worksheet, another lab, another test. Remind yourself to go with the flow, even if its good or bad. No time to worry; too much on mind

The bell rings. Its the end of the day. You have just survived another day of class. Oh, but no, your day is not complete. How could it be after seven short hours. No must trudge along to fifth block.

Orchestra. The sound of beautiful music fills the room. Charasmatic leader at front; passion in his eyes and his heart. We play, we play harder and better, yet it is not good enough. We can only be better.

Ring. The bell tolls once more. Some of us, leave to catch the bus, relieved that their day is over. Not for the rest of us.

Practice: "Its only six miles up to Smedley Park". You laugh with your fellow teammates at another grueling day of hard, physical torture, yet you seem to love this time of day. Running free; free of everything; running for yourself; running for the world. 'Tis wonderful thing to be free.

Ring. Your day is over? Or has it just begun?

Life in these halls.