Tuesday, January 24, 2006

SAT Prep

For the last three weeks, I have been preparing for the dreaded SAT. To get into the camp that I wish to go to this summer, they ask you for an SAT score of 1040-Seventh Grade or 1140-Eighth grade. After hours of vocab cards, practice tests and reading the SAT prep book, it seems like I will get a score somewhere near 1800, or 1200 (Reading and Math), which means almost 200 points higher than the national average for high schoolers taking the SAT. I wonder why a test that takes around 4 hours, will change millions of lives each year. The lucky ones get good scores and go to a University of their choosing, and the unlucky end up going to State. U. 4 hours can change your lives forever..............

1 comment:

scriosadh said...

I understand your feelings, mstcn.