Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Raindrops and etc....

Today in beautiful surburbia it was downright pouring. Not your everyday shower. Or your sprinkle of rain mixed with sunshine. No it was one of those days......

Walking down the steps, luckily with umbrella in hand, I was wondering about all the poor cold wet people around me. The concept of the umbrella was invented by a frenchman who was probably as much as a hopeless romantic as I am. An umbrella is really only ment for two people. Sure when you're in middle school (and still single, unfortunately) friends huddle around you, but nothing romantic like in those movies made far far away from where I live in.

The Umbrella is probably one of the most romantic things of all time. We use them with our dates (or sometimes our friends) to protect, to shield them away from the big bad world. Just enough space for two people to look each other right in the face (or not).....It was one of those days.........

Maybe you think the umbrella is just something we use, but for me (a.k.a an hopeless romantic) its something more.........


imfreenow.blogspot.com said...

Enjoy your blog. I lived in Phildelphia for 1 1/2 years.

Anonymous said...

I'd much prefer to not use an Umbrella and get completlty soaked.

More fun :D