Thursday, November 23, 2006

I was reading on about "Free services to Inspire your cell phone" when I stumbled across Turns out if you call 712-858-8883, you can get free international calls to 50 countries, via Iowa (For all the countries you can call using Future Phone click here I haven't tested it yet, but the New York Times says it does indeed work.

You dial the access number in Iowa, and you then proceed to dial your destination number (Note: For mobile users, do not hit SEND after dialing the destination number;the call will go through by itself.) Note that standard long-distance charges do apply.

I wonder how does a company based in Iowa afford to give the U.S (almost) free international calling....FuturePhone is just another breakthrough in this modern world.


Anonymous said...

Hey, they are not working anymore.

I just found one that is still working to the same couintries
218-339-1986, I have yet to get a busy.

Anonymous said...

Email me if you need the authoriztion code for the 218-339-1986 phone number.

j a c o b d u f f e e @ a o l . c o m

Anonymous said...

jacobduffe doesn't have diddley. he is lying about the authorization codes.

Anonymous said...

We are proud to announce our Expanded 7 Day Unlimited Calling Program.
We want to give you a Free Pin so you can try our Expanded 7 DAY UNLIMITED CALLING PROGRAM
All you need to do is responded to this email and say YES I want to try.
We have worked hard on expanding our coverage area especially in Mexico !
We offer 7 days of UNLIMITED CALLS to all our destinations.
Our Complete list of Destinations is on our website
Again we want you to sample our Expanded Program; all you need to do is an email and say YES I want to try. We will then send you a 7 day Pin right away!
Thank you and we look forward to hearing from you soon.

Jack Thomas
Program Director
The Unlimited Calling Program