Friday, January 26, 2007

Life is weird

After living thirteen years, I finally realized, Life is really weird.... 

A fear of falling

"There is nothing to fear but fear itself"

Today, was an extraordinary day, in my routine. For once, I didn't have to take my violin lesson, or trudge through my chinese homework. No, today I was free to go off to my school's dance.

There are three types of people in middle school. The people who love to dance, the people who go to dances, just because of the social pressure and because they want to hang out with their friends, and the ones that would rather spend friday night playing dungeon and dragons.

I am in group number one, (what a suprise). Some people say that dances, and parties in general are useless, and they would much rather just sit on their counch and watch Law and Order. I never quite understood that, ever.

But what does a dance has to do with fear. Actually a lot. You see, most of you are either too old to remember, or do not want to remember, period, but usually at a dance, you ask someone to dance. It might one of the most pivotal experiences of your life. Some people surrive and those are the people who live their lives, and then there are the ones that later marry the person they met sitting next to them in the library. (Not saying that there's nothing wrong with it)

And most of us, just keep on staring, never intending, no matter how much our heart beats, or how bad we feel, find the courage.

Most nights I would just find the first person I met, but suprisingly tonight I did nothing.

Maybe I'm finally content in being single, like the majority of America, or maybe I'm just still looking for you.

Absolutely nothing. Yes, so I was new to the school. Yes, I wasn't in the mood. But I still don't know why. Maybe I'll never know.

About you

You are the center of the universe
You are the greatest of the great
You make my world go around
You make me see what I couldn't see before.
I can't live without you, I can't even live with you.
Maybe you don't know who I am, but I
certainly know who you are.

Who are you?

Monday, January 15, 2007

Out in the world

As I was browsing for movies by myself at the mall the other day, I was just kept thinking of what
would my life be like, if I was one of those people who just hanged out at their house all day. What 
would happen to someone lost in the world.

And the answer came from Cisco. Yes, the cisco that makes routers and other high tech gadgets. 
Around here, they have been showing commercials talking about The Human Network

Their commercials shows how the human network, can accomplish good things. We as humans
crave human interaction. I don't think life would be very fufilling if you were disconnected from the rest of the world.

Technology has made our world so much ever closer. I can talk to my friends from anywhere from the world. It is truly a blessing to live in the internet age. Life's just too short, to sit around and do nothing.

"You may say that I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one"- John Lennon, Imagine

Its wonderful to be part of the human network. 

Monday, January 08, 2007

Life is too short

We have a universal goal. To surrive. One of our goals in life is to make it a long one, and I agree.
Our carbon-based life is just too short. But what really has to change, is when people say they're 
bored. You might be put in a very boring situation, but life is never boring.

We only have one life to live and we should live it to the fullest. There is no time to be bored, not
when every single moment is as precious as the next. 

"I have not surrived against all odds. I have not lived to tell. I have not witnessed the extraordinary. This is the story of my life"-Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life, by Amy Krouse Rosenthal.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

The universal feeling

A couple of nights ago, I was flipping through the channels on the television (this happens very 
rarely in my life) and I saw a scene from Scrubs. 

Dr. Cox was sitting on his couch, drunk, and tired, obviously suffering through his mid-life crisis. (If you are a big fan of the show, you probably have seen this episode). J.D then says "Being alone is a universal feeling..."

From Last night's 20/20 on ABC (A sypnosis) :

In the history of the world, It has never been easier to be alone. Millions of single americans sit
through eight hours alone in their cubicles, and then they drive off to their bachelor pads, and watch whatever is on T.V, only to repeat the cycle the very next day.

What are you going to do, single on a saturday night. Watch a movie on HBO, eating ice cream.
We have to break this cycle, of feeling pity for ourselves....The important thing is to try. My
metaphor that I use alot, is to jump off the cliff. If you never try, than you'll never jump off. And if you do try, you just hope that you'll be caught by someone else.

What am I going to do tonight? Maybe I'll just never know...

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Time never stops

Time is the ultimate commodity. We cherish more than anything else. We try to save more and more, so that we have time to enjoy our lives. It is one of the only things in our universe that is certain.

Maybe you won't make it to the bus on time, maybe you'll forget the combination to your locker, maybe you'll fall asleep during fifth period. But I know that today, I will live through 24 hours. Half asleep, yes. Tired, another yes. Life moves on, time flies by, whatever we do, we can not slow down the inevitable.

All I have to say, is go for it. Do what you want to do. Maybe there isn't a tomorrow. It is now or never. This is about everything about life. Sometimes you'll never get a second chance to do something. Or even worse, you postpone it, and postpone it, and you'll never do it.

I'm not saying, go out and do something irresponsible, or reckless. There are somethings that I never got the chance to do, when I could have, that I think about, despite my relative short life.
This isn't about love, or sports, or friends, this is about everything. You. Me. Everything else.

Because at the root of our lives, Time never stops.

Ringing in the new year

Alas we are at the start of another year. 2007 has finally started. Another 365 days to fill our lives, living in the moment.

To all that have started on their new years resolutions, I would like to say, you have embarked on a noble task. Very few people actually fufilling their new years resolution, and I would like to say that you are currently on day 4, of hopefully many days to come, towards fufilling what ever you have embarked on.

Even you have gotten 2007 off on a wrong start, there is still time to change. We as people, cannot just stand still. We shall not, and should not stop changing. No matter, where you are in life, you can always make a change in your life for the better, not for the worse.

I would like to leave you with a quote.

"525,600 minutes. 525,600 moments so dear. 525,600 minutes - how do you measure, measure a year? In daylights, in sunsets, in midnights, in cups of coffee. In inches, in miles, in laughter, in strife. In 525,600 minutes - how do you measure a year in the life?How about love? How about love? How about love? Measure in love. Seasons of love. "

-Seasons of Love from RENT....