Friday, January 26, 2007

A fear of falling

"There is nothing to fear but fear itself"

Today, was an extraordinary day, in my routine. For once, I didn't have to take my violin lesson, or trudge through my chinese homework. No, today I was free to go off to my school's dance.

There are three types of people in middle school. The people who love to dance, the people who go to dances, just because of the social pressure and because they want to hang out with their friends, and the ones that would rather spend friday night playing dungeon and dragons.

I am in group number one, (what a suprise). Some people say that dances, and parties in general are useless, and they would much rather just sit on their counch and watch Law and Order. I never quite understood that, ever.

But what does a dance has to do with fear. Actually a lot. You see, most of you are either too old to remember, or do not want to remember, period, but usually at a dance, you ask someone to dance. It might one of the most pivotal experiences of your life. Some people surrive and those are the people who live their lives, and then there are the ones that later marry the person they met sitting next to them in the library. (Not saying that there's nothing wrong with it)

And most of us, just keep on staring, never intending, no matter how much our heart beats, or how bad we feel, find the courage.

Most nights I would just find the first person I met, but suprisingly tonight I did nothing.

Maybe I'm finally content in being single, like the majority of America, or maybe I'm just still looking for you.

Absolutely nothing. Yes, so I was new to the school. Yes, I wasn't in the mood. But I still don't know why. Maybe I'll never know.

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