Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Running 'till your heart gives out...

Life is a strange thing. We are born, we live, we die. What we do in our short lifespan is what defines us as human beings, as individual people.

Earlier today, I was running my heart out to get to the local drug store so I could purchase some balloons for "Science Olympiad". I ran about a mile each way in the sweltering heat of early spring, all just to test something out, to try something new. I realized sweating on the way back, is this what I want to do? Do I want to end up like sub-human winning machine. Do I still want to live? Or do I want to move foward?

Is this what defines me? Sweating over for a dream? Is it worth it? Is it worth my life. I've been living, breathing, dreaming about one thing. I've worked so hard that it seems its not my dream anymore. It's my coaches' dream, its my teammates' dream but it ain't my cup of tea anymore.

How can I get out? How can I find my life again? I just want to live my life...I just want to be truly free...

1 comment:

Kat said...

Funny that little things - like balloons - can make us realise so much.