Sunday, December 23, 2007

A new start has been a while since the last time I wrote on this blog, this collection of musings far and wide. And its time to announce an ambitious New Years Revolution. I pledge to write at least three times a week, every week in 2008. I look foward to continue to write fresh, informative pieces of writing for the world to enjoy. Its time for a new start.

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Life in these halls

Welcome to High School. Another four years to look foward to. This is the start of a brand new life.

Life in these halls. People rushing by, trying to get to their second block car, faster than a car roaring down the blue route. Love flowing, hugs and kisses fill the atmosphere of our fast paced lives, a place with nothing concerning PDA. "Hey", "Whats up?", "Yo!", greeting you every 100 meters. High fives, hand shakes, body slams, every form of non verbal communcation coming to you from every direction. And then you realize this is high school; there are life in these halls.

How is it going to school with 1400 of your fellow teenager peers. We have our ups, our downs, our good days and bad days, and days where we want to just collapse on the bed, and listen to music. And this is our life.

Class. Another lecture, another worksheet, another lab, another test. Remind yourself to go with the flow, even if its good or bad. No time to worry; too much on mind

The bell rings. Its the end of the day. You have just survived another day of class. Oh, but no, your day is not complete. How could it be after seven short hours. No must trudge along to fifth block.

Orchestra. The sound of beautiful music fills the room. Charasmatic leader at front; passion in his eyes and his heart. We play, we play harder and better, yet it is not good enough. We can only be better.

Ring. The bell tolls once more. Some of us, leave to catch the bus, relieved that their day is over. Not for the rest of us.

Practice: "Its only six miles up to Smedley Park". You laugh with your fellow teammates at another grueling day of hard, physical torture, yet you seem to love this time of day. Running free; free of everything; running for yourself; running for the world. 'Tis wonderful thing to be free.

Ring. Your day is over? Or has it just begun?

Life in these halls.

Friday, September 07, 2007

Welcome back to Life

As most of you know, million of (eager...or not) school children, have flooded back to school over the last week. And I was one of them.

It has a been a quiet summer. A summer full of moments, some memorable, some that I want to get out of my memory. It is the quiet tranquil lull in a life before the storm we call freshmen year. And now its over. And life begins once more.

Another year of waking up at the crack of dawn, another year of running until dusk, another year of friends and fun, another year of life. What is school? Sure, it is a place where we go to learn, and thats why they make us go, but is it something more than that? Its a place where you find lifelong friendships, its the place where your heart has soared and broken, it is a place that helps define who you are as a individual.

What does this all mean? Are we any closer to finding who we are? Only time will tell.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Into the sunset....

Today I am leaving for a much needed break to Ocean will be nice to just to kick my feet into the sand and just have a little relaxation. Summer is finally here, full of beautiful days of pure sunshine and good memories.

After my short break to the beach, I will be leaving for CTY (John Hopkins Center of Talented Youth) for three weeks. It is simply the highlight of my summer, enjoying quality time with my friends at the campus of Franklin & Marshall. It is where I learned to live life, because life is simply too short.

Au revoir...........into the sunset....

Friday, June 15, 2007

It's all over

I started the wonderful journey of middle school, four years ago.....when I was just a little fifth grader, full of dreams about what would this part of my life be like. I have had the most wonderful and craziest four years of my life. Only in middle school can we really first start growing up...and learning how to live life.

I remember every single problem we deal with during these years that we're not quite sure what to do. We can only live and forget. There's been so many highs and lows in the last four can't be explained in words alone.

If there was only one thing I learned it is this: Be yourself. This is the undeniable truth about humanity; about life. Know where you came from...and more importantly know where you're going. You can't forget your roots, your family, your friends. They are what really matter in life.

And you have to know where you can't drift through life; I learned this lesson too in middle school. We have so many dreams; so many ambitions....and we should never let them go. Nothing is impossible.

And now it's all over. This chapter of my life has closed for good. I'll never forget this experience they call "middle school". We can only look to the future.

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Intelligence isn't everything

Is Intelligence everything?

I see the answer forms of whispers...and in the form of subtle discrimination and prejudice.....

These so called "smart people" had for the most, a terrible childhood. Maybe it's because I never felt the pain of the world , when I was so young, maybe that is why I still trust humanity. But for some of them, the elementary school years were a painful and rocky time for them. Children do not understand sometimes, and they felt frustrated.

When they got to middle school, and for the first time we see academic segreagation. They put the brightest in one classroom and the "normal" in the other. They start to snicker when they hear a "stupid" response, or a question that they believe can be obviously answered.

They might grow up; might grow up to be our brightest. But something that has taken me a long time to figure out; intelligence is nothing. These "smart" people have been through so much that they take it out on the rest of us.

I might be considered smart; but I never will be one of them. I'll stand up and die for ethics; for what is good in this world. Maybe they don't realize but if we don't stand up for what we believe in, then what is this world good for.

I would take someone with a heart and a curious mind to someone who could fill in the bubbles and get a great test score. We live in this new era of humanity; our relationships with one another will only become stronger.

Maybe I'm just a compassionate person. But I will stand up for everyone else; because they have stood up for me. My fellow Americans, have protected our rights, they have died for them. They are the teachers; the policemen; the brave men and women in uniform. They are America. I'm sure all of us have said something embarassing; something akwardly worded.

Intelligence isn't everything. If it is, what is the purpose of life?

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

The world we live in

Tick...tock...tick...tock...another second is fading into the sunset. Hopefully we're moving towards a goal. Maybe its to get an "A" in one class you've been struggling in; maybe its an athletic achievement (a faster mile time or a feat of endurance) or maybe its personal; reconnecting with a friend that we haven't seen in a while....This is life...

When our forefathers wrote the Decleration of Independence, how would they be able to know that all we ever wanted was the right to pursuit happiness. Sometimes our efforts are futile; but we constantly try. That is the American way; we never give up, no matter what.

What is all the money worth if we are not happy. Money cannot buy happiness, no matter how hard you believe in it. If we achieve great things; but if we're not happy, if we don't enjoy life, what is it all worth? We're all human; humanity does not need excessive material wealth; it needs people who are focused, who are determined, those that are in pursuit of happiness, or in pursuit of a goal.

There are over six billion hearts and souls living in this modern world. We have one goal; to chase happiness, love and freedom. We are all free deep inside us. This is the world we live in.

Monday, May 28, 2007


We wake up. We live. We sleep. The cycle moves on. The world doesn’t stop no matter how hard we want it to be. We are the great adaptors; we have to respond to change every day. As they say “the world is not fair”. At every moment around the world, hearts are broken; opportunities are made and lost, lives change for the better or the worse. And still we wake up every day and continue living through the marathon, the journey of life.

It comes at different points of your life. We realize at a moment, that we have to change. It is the tipping point. The world’s moving and we have to adapt to it, no matter how badly we want it to stop.

Life as it has been said, is too short, there is much to do, and too little time to do it. Simply there is not enough time to change, to adapt your heart, your mind and your world to what you need to do.

We wake up tired and groggy. What do we live for? What is that answer? It’s up to you to find out for yourself.

If we do not move on or adapt, we cannot live. No matter what life throws as an obstacle we cannot let it change our lives for the worse. We must adapt, we must live.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Dream Big

Is the sky the limit?

Growing up, I had one friend who really dreamed big. In forth grade, he wanted to build an airplane, and he wanted to write a newspaper...And we ended up spending hours writing away, thinking that we were part of something bigger. I still remember the days, we spend recess look up into the clear blue sky and dreaming away.

I know people so grounded in reality, they refuse to accept any notion of dreams, any notions of what might happen. Passion means so much more, then ability. Sure if you're good at something, but you don't have the fire in your eyes, it means nothing.

I remember when I first started running, back when I was a sixth grader. It was the first day of cross country, and our coach sent us to run on the cross country course. Those twenty minutes were probably the most misreable moments of my life. The day after, some people just decided not to come back, that it wasn't worth it. I ended up running and running and running...and I'm still running today.

Nothing is impossible. In the last two hundred years, the lightbulb was evented, man put a person on the moon, people can call each other from the four corners of the earth. There is no end to passion, to curiosity, to human ingenuity. We are what we make ourselves. It dosen't matter what someone tells you is going to happen, it matters what you believe is going to happen. Only then can life move on, can we all dream big.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Who we are

"The lunatic, the lover, and the poet are of imagination all compact."
-A Midsummer Night's Dream

Over the course of my life, I have heard a great deal of stereotypes, a great deal of assumptions. Is the society we live in, too stereotypical?

Some people are constantly frustrated by the way our world labels people. I say, the world will keep on labeling you, as long as you label the world. I've met so many remarkable people who break the stereotypes of yesteryear, they do not conform to what "they're supposed to be."

Can the runner dance? Can the A+ student play football? Can the singer achieve their goals? Yes they can. Stereotypes are created to be broken. None of us conform completely to a stereotype; we are all unique in a very own way. This is what humanity is about.

We need to celebrate diversity, not uniformity. If we were all the same, then humanity would not be as rich and dynamic as it is today. Who are we? We are what we choose to be.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Dreaming about a sunny day...

Life seems to go too fast. you usually realize it when its too late, like forgetting the poster you spend all night working on, the day you need to present it. Everything goes smoothly as planned, and suddenly you realize you're only six weeks from graduating eighth grade, leaving sweet memories of the drama that is called "middle school"

Only the last four years (my middle school started in 5th grade) I have experienced the most exciting, most dramatic, and most tiring moments of my life. I have seen the drama, the feeling that all innocence is lost, the feeling of dispair. And I have seen the hope, the strength that shows no matter what happens, that anything is possible. These are the memories that I will remember the most.

Some people say that school is a waste of time. If that was true, our lives would turn for the worse. School is not only created as a place of education, it grows into the place where you cherish your friends, and where you discover who you are. Others believe that school is a popularity contest. If so then those "popular" people they refer to, will never have as much of a good time as the rest of us. We have twelve years to make or break us, twelver years to decide who do we want to be.

Middle School is a rocky time for all of us. Our emotions (and hormones) run high, and we feel the need to assent ourselves as bigger and better then the rest. If you choose to love the world, then the world will love you back. I have heard all the middle school horror stories; the bullying, the teasing, hearts being shattered, self confidence breaking, and we all are just not so sure about what tomorrow will bring. Middle School is what you make it to be. My schedrule might be busy, but I'm still enjoying life. For all those out there, who despise the drama, the crowded hallwayws, the terrible school lunches, try to grow to love something.

It dosen't matter if your passion is writing or running, it only matters that you're passionate about it. C'est la vie. That's Life. Get the most out of your middle school years. And maybe you can dream about a sunny day.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Running 'till your heart gives out...

Life is a strange thing. We are born, we live, we die. What we do in our short lifespan is what defines us as human beings, as individual people.

Earlier today, I was running my heart out to get to the local drug store so I could purchase some balloons for "Science Olympiad". I ran about a mile each way in the sweltering heat of early spring, all just to test something out, to try something new. I realized sweating on the way back, is this what I want to do? Do I want to end up like sub-human winning machine. Do I still want to live? Or do I want to move foward?

Is this what defines me? Sweating over for a dream? Is it worth it? Is it worth my life. I've been living, breathing, dreaming about one thing. I've worked so hard that it seems its not my dream anymore. It's my coaches' dream, its my teammates' dream but it ain't my cup of tea anymore.

How can I get out? How can I find my life again? I just want to live my life...I just want to be truly free...

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Pop Culture craziness

In our increasingly media-saavy lives, we experience pop culture craziness such as the Back dorm boys. Here are them performing "That way" (Original by the Backstreet Boys)

Enjoy a different slice of the world, courtesy of Youtube. The Back Dorm Boys or known beter as the Chinese Backstreet Boys posted this video back in November 2005. The two of them at the time were college students in Guangzhou, China. This was featured in Vh1's special: Top 40 Internet Superstars. Just another internet video......for you pleasure

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Love defies all

What does Love matter?

Love is something that represents the best in all of us. Love does not discriminate, it is color-blind, it is something that is the center of your world, when you're in it, and the thing you hate the most when you're out of it. It does not matter where two people are in the world, but when they fall in love, everything changes.

Since the beginning of time, writers and playwrights have obsessed over it. From Romeo and Juliet, to Titanic, we the writers/creative minds of the world, have been scripting the most beautiful scenes. The scenes that can make grown men cry. Are we all hopeless romantics?

We fight over love, we die for it. It something that it is unexplainable as long as we live. We don't know why we think about it...We're just all clueless...Love defies all, Love defies gravity...

Sunday, March 04, 2007

One dream

How far do you go for a dream? For that moment of glory? Even if it takes your entire life, even if it changes who you are.

That's the question that I keep asking myself. I used to be a journalist, used to try to write as many news stories as possible, but I gave that up to have a life. I gave up that dream so I could live, have fun, get away from my house. And I told myself that I hoped I would never have to make that type of decision again.

And life moved on for a seemed like everything would be happier ever after. Until Science Olympiad came knocking around my door. It seems not that I'm so entrenched in the organization, that when my plan to enjoy a season of track surfaced recently it seemed to stoke a fire in the eyes of many.

Is a dream worth giving up everything else. Even know, after three months, I'm just so tired and exhausted from life. I think its changed me, but I don't know for better or worse.

I'm just so lost...What more do you want from me? I've given blood, sweat and tears. What more do you want? I'm human, just like you. This might not matter ten years from this, this might matter alot. Is it worth it? I'll leave that to you to decide.

Monday, February 26, 2007

It's all local to me

One thing that I love about going to the neighborhood school, in the slice of surburbia that I live in, is the real sense of community. Walking down the hallways (trying not to be late for forth period) you hear things like how nice the pizza guys at the local hotspot, Renatos.

Or it's sheer coincidence that your classmate's older brother bags your groceries at the
local grocery store. But thats what makes living in small town surburbia so nice. I used to go to a small wonderful private school, but now I really do feel connected to the world. The world is really
small when you look at it closely.

Your relationships with people define your life. Its just a wonderful life in small town America...

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Understanding life

 In this crazy world we call our own, we keep on having to adapt. We are forevermore lost in trans-
lation. We face our fears, we scale our challenges, we move on from the past, we keep on dreaming 
and hoping for a better tomorrow. In general, we live.

There's so much to understand about life. I'm as lost as you are. The only thing that keeps us on the ground is our relationships with one another. Without them, we are nothing. We might just be another lonely person living. And that's what makes humanity and life so special.

We are measured by how we are connected to each other. Stuff happens, but we are still here, together. It might not make sense to you, but you and I we are connected. And that's what makes us human.

A thought about my life

Well as I am typing this, it is flurring outside my window. It's one of those days that makes you 
reflect about your life. And everything you have ever wished you did. On the eve of Valentine's 
day, I sit here writing about my life, my love, and everything that I care about.

There are the moments in your life, when you realize that you don't know where you're going next.
Floating down the hallway, and you wonder what your life has added up to. Its the time of year, 
when you remember its measured in love. It dosen't matter how many people fall for you, it
dosen't matter how many records you've shattered, or how good your grades are. It takes some
people their entire lives to figure that out, it takes some people like me, something like Valentine's
Day to remind me.

Love is a very strange thing. Scientists say that its a chemical reaction, and that it is nothing other
than basic chemistry hardwired into our systems. Then again, I always thought they came up with 
that after they were rejected the very first time they ever asked something out. Measuring your life in love isn't just a song from RENT, its something that when you really think about it, you know it to be true too.

Tomorrow, I tiredly wake up, and I'll move on. Not because I want to, because I have to. Maybe its
just the valentine day blues, or its just life as a teenager. I'll just never know.... 

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Smile, Inc.

Here in the northeast, we have been suffering through a bit of a rough patch. It's generally been 
freezing around the slice of surburbia where I live in, but today it was a little bit out of the ordinary.
Today was when I suffered through two hours of dental agony...

My parents, being smart and sensible, schedruled a jam packed schedrule for this afternoon. A cleaning at the dentist, followed by a regular tune-up at the orthodontist. But ordinary, turned out to be an hour long ordeal of scraping gums, and I wasn't even finished the afternoon.

I just lay there slumping on the chair thinking about my life, and where to go next in life. When you are a teenager, you might spend hours thinking about how lost we are, and what is our place here on this very earth. And I was thinking about love.

Every year, around Valentine's day, all of us single people here in the world (which according to the NYtimes, we're in the majority) spend our days trying to surrive, despite the bombardment of messages of love, and of true happiness.

I used to be like, whatever and pass by all the advertisements, pass by thinking about anything else. But you can't escape it. In fact you're paralyzed by it. All is fair in love and war; we live our lives so unsure about life, and everything else.

So, I'm trying to spend Valentine's day with someone special. Maybe I'll suceed, maybe I'll fail miserably, but I know I can try. One of my good friends said in this modern world you don't need to "court" a girl. But then again I'm a old fashioned hopeless romantic. C'est la vie, that's life.......

Friday, January 26, 2007

Life is weird

After living thirteen years, I finally realized, Life is really weird.... 

A fear of falling

"There is nothing to fear but fear itself"

Today, was an extraordinary day, in my routine. For once, I didn't have to take my violin lesson, or trudge through my chinese homework. No, today I was free to go off to my school's dance.

There are three types of people in middle school. The people who love to dance, the people who go to dances, just because of the social pressure and because they want to hang out with their friends, and the ones that would rather spend friday night playing dungeon and dragons.

I am in group number one, (what a suprise). Some people say that dances, and parties in general are useless, and they would much rather just sit on their counch and watch Law and Order. I never quite understood that, ever.

But what does a dance has to do with fear. Actually a lot. You see, most of you are either too old to remember, or do not want to remember, period, but usually at a dance, you ask someone to dance. It might one of the most pivotal experiences of your life. Some people surrive and those are the people who live their lives, and then there are the ones that later marry the person they met sitting next to them in the library. (Not saying that there's nothing wrong with it)

And most of us, just keep on staring, never intending, no matter how much our heart beats, or how bad we feel, find the courage.

Most nights I would just find the first person I met, but suprisingly tonight I did nothing.

Maybe I'm finally content in being single, like the majority of America, or maybe I'm just still looking for you.

Absolutely nothing. Yes, so I was new to the school. Yes, I wasn't in the mood. But I still don't know why. Maybe I'll never know.

About you

You are the center of the universe
You are the greatest of the great
You make my world go around
You make me see what I couldn't see before.
I can't live without you, I can't even live with you.
Maybe you don't know who I am, but I
certainly know who you are.

Who are you?

Monday, January 15, 2007

Out in the world

As I was browsing for movies by myself at the mall the other day, I was just kept thinking of what
would my life be like, if I was one of those people who just hanged out at their house all day. What 
would happen to someone lost in the world.

And the answer came from Cisco. Yes, the cisco that makes routers and other high tech gadgets. 
Around here, they have been showing commercials talking about The Human Network

Their commercials shows how the human network, can accomplish good things. We as humans
crave human interaction. I don't think life would be very fufilling if you were disconnected from the rest of the world.

Technology has made our world so much ever closer. I can talk to my friends from anywhere from the world. It is truly a blessing to live in the internet age. Life's just too short, to sit around and do nothing.

"You may say that I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one"- John Lennon, Imagine

Its wonderful to be part of the human network. 

Monday, January 08, 2007

Life is too short

We have a universal goal. To surrive. One of our goals in life is to make it a long one, and I agree.
Our carbon-based life is just too short. But what really has to change, is when people say they're 
bored. You might be put in a very boring situation, but life is never boring.

We only have one life to live and we should live it to the fullest. There is no time to be bored, not
when every single moment is as precious as the next. 

"I have not surrived against all odds. I have not lived to tell. I have not witnessed the extraordinary. This is the story of my life"-Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life, by Amy Krouse Rosenthal.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

The universal feeling

A couple of nights ago, I was flipping through the channels on the television (this happens very 
rarely in my life) and I saw a scene from Scrubs. 

Dr. Cox was sitting on his couch, drunk, and tired, obviously suffering through his mid-life crisis. (If you are a big fan of the show, you probably have seen this episode). J.D then says "Being alone is a universal feeling..."

From Last night's 20/20 on ABC (A sypnosis) :

In the history of the world, It has never been easier to be alone. Millions of single americans sit
through eight hours alone in their cubicles, and then they drive off to their bachelor pads, and watch whatever is on T.V, only to repeat the cycle the very next day.

What are you going to do, single on a saturday night. Watch a movie on HBO, eating ice cream.
We have to break this cycle, of feeling pity for ourselves....The important thing is to try. My
metaphor that I use alot, is to jump off the cliff. If you never try, than you'll never jump off. And if you do try, you just hope that you'll be caught by someone else.

What am I going to do tonight? Maybe I'll just never know...

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Time never stops

Time is the ultimate commodity. We cherish more than anything else. We try to save more and more, so that we have time to enjoy our lives. It is one of the only things in our universe that is certain.

Maybe you won't make it to the bus on time, maybe you'll forget the combination to your locker, maybe you'll fall asleep during fifth period. But I know that today, I will live through 24 hours. Half asleep, yes. Tired, another yes. Life moves on, time flies by, whatever we do, we can not slow down the inevitable.

All I have to say, is go for it. Do what you want to do. Maybe there isn't a tomorrow. It is now or never. This is about everything about life. Sometimes you'll never get a second chance to do something. Or even worse, you postpone it, and postpone it, and you'll never do it.

I'm not saying, go out and do something irresponsible, or reckless. There are somethings that I never got the chance to do, when I could have, that I think about, despite my relative short life.
This isn't about love, or sports, or friends, this is about everything. You. Me. Everything else.

Because at the root of our lives, Time never stops.

Ringing in the new year

Alas we are at the start of another year. 2007 has finally started. Another 365 days to fill our lives, living in the moment.

To all that have started on their new years resolutions, I would like to say, you have embarked on a noble task. Very few people actually fufilling their new years resolution, and I would like to say that you are currently on day 4, of hopefully many days to come, towards fufilling what ever you have embarked on.

Even you have gotten 2007 off on a wrong start, there is still time to change. We as people, cannot just stand still. We shall not, and should not stop changing. No matter, where you are in life, you can always make a change in your life for the better, not for the worse.

I would like to leave you with a quote.

"525,600 minutes. 525,600 moments so dear. 525,600 minutes - how do you measure, measure a year? In daylights, in sunsets, in midnights, in cups of coffee. In inches, in miles, in laughter, in strife. In 525,600 minutes - how do you measure a year in the life?How about love? How about love? How about love? Measure in love. Seasons of love. "

-Seasons of Love from RENT....